This is a Chicken dish I paired with a very inexpensive pinot noir from California by Trinity Oaks.

Pinot noir is a very "light" red in comparision to the other varietals one can pick up at the local wine shop or supermarket. To lighten the load of this particular wines young characteristics I chose to match the dish with seared champignon de savages (wild mushrooms ex: oyster, shitake, cremini and chantrelle). I find this mixture awesome when sauteed with garlic, onions and arugula.

As a beautiful addition to the plate and palate. I chose to use very delicious heirloom tomatoes and an awesomely ripe avocado.
Brian! love this blog - makes my mouth water. the avocado reminds me of australia where they use avocado in almost everything and there are even ads on tv "add an avo" is the slogan :) can't wait to have you cook for me some day...i will then respond by making the only (highly caloric) dinner i know how to: real lasagna and mousse au chocolat all from scratch :) oh and i could be persuaded to make you some austrian schnitzel! hugs from austria, k